The domino effect is a phenomenon whereby an initial event causes subsequent events, each of which builds on the previous one, with the result that a chain reaction develops. In business, this process is called an “avalanche effect,” and it can be used to achieve desired results, such as increasing sales, reducing employee turnover or improving customer satisfaction. In literature, this concept can be used to create compelling plots. Whether the author is writing an off-the-cuff draft or planning a complex manuscript, focusing on how to use the domino effect in a story can help them improve decision making.
A domino is a small rectangular block of wood or plastic, marked with dots resembling those on dice. Each domino has two matching ends, and each end may have a different value (from zero to six). Most traditional domino sets are arranged in a way that allows for 28 unique pieces, with two of the sides having blanks. Each domino is ranked by the number of spots or pips on either end; this rank is known as its rank or weight. The larger the number of pips, the higher the rank, and the more force it will exert when knocked over.
Before a game or hand begins, the tiles are shuffled. The player then chooses a domino to play by matching one of its ends to part of another tile that is already in place on the table, positioning it so that both matching sides are touching. The resulting chain of dominoes will gradually grow in length as additional tiles are added to the end of the existing dominoes. Depending on the rules of the particular game, doubles may be counted as one or two (if one, a 6-6 counts as 12; if two, it counts as 0).
Hevesh often uses a variation of the engineering-design process when creating her mind-blowing domino setups. She tests the individual sections to make sure they work properly before assembling them together. She also films her progress in slow motion so that she can correct any errors.
Domino Powers the Apps that Run Your Business
When used as a platform for data science, Domino enables teams to collaborate effectively and efficiently. Its unified interface allows users to deploy apps, models and workspaces with ease. Its ability to connect to a version control system like Bitbucket and its capability of spinning up interactive workspaces of various sizes for exploration are just some of the reasons why Domino is an ideal platform for end-to-end data science. Its powerful analytics engine makes it easy to visualize data, perform model validation and experiment with new ideas. This is why IBM has made domino a key component of its data science portfolio.