Domino is a popular game in which players build rows of dominoes with one domino on top of another. When the first domino is tipped over, it causes the other dominoes to tip in turn until they all fall over. The result can be spectacularly complex and breathtakingly beautiful, or a crashing disaster. This type of domino effect is also a powerful metaphor for leadership and management.
A domino is a flat, thumb-sized rectangular block, each bearing from one to six pips or dots (the number of spots on a domino determines its type). 28 such blocks form a complete domino set. A domino is used for a variety of games involving matching the ends of adjacent dominoes, placing them edge to edge in lines or angular patterns, and then tumbling the dominoes.
Some of the most mind-blowing domino creations are designed to be awe-inspiring, with dominoes stacked into towers and other shapes, or laid out in artistic patterns. These creations require careful planning and execution, but can still be ruined by even a small error. For Hevesh, the world’s most famous domino artist, creating a domino display is like engineering a building. She starts with a basic plan and then works to build it up until it is perfect.
Hevesh began making domino designs when she was a child. By the time she was 20, she had amassed a large collection of dominoes and started posting videos about her creations on YouTube. Now she has more than 2 million subscribers and creates stunning domino installations for movies, TV shows, and events—including an album launch for Katy Perry. Her largest displays can take several nail-biting minutes to fall. Creating a domino setup is a bit like building a house, Hevesh says: “I have to start with a foundation, and then build on it.”
Many of the classic domino games involve blocking opponents’ play or counting pips in their hands to score points. Some games, such as bergen and muggins, use different sets of rules to identify winning and losing players. The more pips in a domino, the higher the point value.
While Domino has a strong legacy in the retail sector, it is expanding to other markets with locations in airports, universities, and hotels. The company is also working on innovative delivery systems for businesses and restaurants, a partnership with Uber Eats, and plans to open up to 25,000 locations worldwide by 2025. The expansion of Domino’s is due to a leadership structure that prioritizes teamwork and empowers employees to make decisions without the approval of upper management. This is a significant shift from the traditional corporate structure of hierarchies and bureaucracies. The company’s emphasis on cross-functional teams helps Domino deliver the fastest, most accurate service possible for its customers. This type of leadership and management style has helped Domino develop its reputation as a leader in the fast-food industry. The company has also focused on implementing technology that has made it easier for employees to work together, and it has invested in tools such as Project Domino to help manage large scale projects.